Star Watch

Star WatchStar watches are the principal public outreach activity of the AELC. Each Star Watch provides a science-oriented understanding of the different types of objects to be found in in the universe. These include the moon, planets, stars and star clusters, galaxies, constellations, comets and different types of nebulae. These objects will be viewed through both telescopes, as well as your eyes only. So bring your interest and questions and enjoy yourself under the night sky.

Star Watch Tips:

AELC Vice President Lane Davis speaks with the public during a star watch.

AELC Vice President Lane Davis speaks with the public during a star watch.

1. There will be an array of club telescopes for you to look through, each pointed at a different celestial objects with a club member in attendance to explain the object and answer questions.

2. A club member will also point out and discuss constellations, which are better viewed with just you eyes.

3. You may bring your own telescope or binoculars if you have them. You don’t have to know how to use them,  the astronomy club will try to help you.

4. Make sure to dress in layers and bring drinks because it can get chilly at night, even in the summer.

5. Flashlights are ok but keep them pointed at the ground, not in people’s eyes.

Check our calendar for upcoming public star watches – it will list the date and time as well as the site and who is hosting the star watch.

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